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Common lies: 10 rumors about breastfeeding, how much is true?



  • If you're a new mother or close to your birth date, surely one of the most important things you have in mind is breastfeeding and its importance for the baby. 
  • It's the key to feeding your baby, especially the first 6 months before you enter solid food. 
  • It's important to know and read a lot about breastfeeding, which is not only for nutrition but also to strengthen your child's immune system and protect it from many diseases.
  •  But many of us may hear tips and untrue information about breastfeeding from surrounding mothers or friends, which may affect your decision to feed your child and choose to breastfeed. 
  • So I wrote you this article, common lies: 10 rumors about breastfeeding, and that's right.

1-You must eat calorie-filled foods to increase milk generation.

Correction: Your food has to be healthy and balanced, and it has all the nutrients where it has protein and energy and protective foods, and it's in enough quantities, and it's also very important to drink water and fluids like Alanson’s, all of which helps you generate enough milk for your child's food.

1-Breastfeeding is an instinct that does not require education.

Correction: Surely the baby is born with an instinct that makes him look for his mother's chest to breastfeed and get his food. But many mothers need training and support to learn the right way to sit and get the right attachment to the different aura and breastfeeding conditions. WHO and UNICEF are advised to seek assistance from a breastfeeding consultant, doctor, or trained nurse.

2-  If you do not breastfeed from the first day you will never be able to breastfeed.

Correction: It's better to breastfeed the baby immediately after birth, especially during the first hour after birth, but that doesn't mean that if it doesn't happen for any reason then you can't breastfeed it normally. Yeah, you can breastfeed your baby, so don't worry, and ask for the help of a breastfeeding consultant, to help you start breastfeeding.

3- If you don't breastfeed from day one, you'll never be able to breastfeed.

Correction: It's better to breastfeed the baby immediately after birth, especially during the first hour after birth, but that doesn't mean that if it doesn't happen for any reason then you can't breastfeed it normally. Yeah, you can breastfeed your baby, so don't worry, and ask for the help of a breastfeeding consultant, to help you start breastfeeding.

4- Sarcophagus milk must be discarded, as it is harmful to the child.

Correction: Seresop milk (the yellow liquid released immediately after birth) is very important to the infant and is also called "golden milk" because of its great importance to the child. You have to breastfeed your baby in the first hour after birth, even though it's a small amount of rosemary milk, it's enough for your baby, it's rich in protein, and it supplies your baby with an immune body that protects it from many diseases in its life.

5- The bank is light and bright and will not satisfy your child.

Correction: Mother's milk is the baby's best food. The color and concentration of milk during lactation are certainly different, as it is light for the first time to tell the child's thirst, be easily digested, and prepare his, or her stomach for digestion. And then it gradually increases to the end of the lactation so that it can satisfy your baby and supply it with the calories it needs to grow.

6- Do not breastfeed your child when you are ill, feverish, or infected with a virus-like Corona.

Correction: Don't stop breastfeeding your baby if you're sick. On the contrary, lactation at the time is useful. Milk will contain antibodies and increase its immunity. But just watch out for the drugs, they have to be safe to breastfeed, so I need to consult the Doctor and see if these drugs are suitable for lactation.

7- The sudden weaning of a chip, cactus, or coffee on your chest is the best thing.

Correction: The mother is the child's source of safety and this method of weaning will negatively affect your child's psyche, so we advise you to wean gradually as complimentary meals increase for healthy weaning that does not negatively affect the child's physical and psychological health.

8- The weaning of the boy is different from that of the girl, the boy after two years and the girl after one and a half years.

Correction: There is no difference between the timing of weaning a boy and a girl, and both must be weaning gradually as the number of meals increases and lactation decreases until weaning takes place at the age of two.

9- If you cannot breastfeed your first child, you will not be able to breastfeed your second child.

Correction: You can breastfeed your second child and not breastfeed your first child doesn't mean you won't breastfeed normally again. Breastfeeding needs training and practice, and don't worry if you can't breastfeed your first child, you can still breastfeed your second child successfully. You're just gonna need the support of your surroundings and consult a nursing specialist.

10- Stop drinking coffee completely during breastfeeding.

Correction: You can drink a certain amount of coffee a day without affecting your baby with a specific amount of 300 mL a day.

We advise that breastfeeding is the best way to feed the infant, providing him/her with all the food he/she needs and filling his/her hunger and thirst. It also helps to strengthen the emotional and loving relationship between mother and child.


 Helpful information

The right conditions when breastfeeding

  • Sit up straight to support your back and feet.
  • Bring the baby closer to you by wrapping your arms around its back.

  • When breastfeeding, place your hand beneath the baby's neck and shoulder rather than the head to allow it to take the proper posture, and you can support the baby's position with a variety of cushions. 
  • Bring your baby closer to your breasts while keeping your back straight.


  • Make sure the baby's top lip is in contact with the nipple location.
  • If your nipple the baby's mouth, you'll find that he responds by opening his lips and turning his tongue down.


  • Assemble the baby's lip by pressing it firmly against the nipple and a portion of the breast.
  • It is best to breastfeed from breasts on a rotational basis, i.e. if the mother breastfed her child from one of the breasts, she used the other for the next lactation and so on, and to make sure that the nipple was cleaned in a wet cloth with water before breastfeeding.


Guidance when saving mother's milk

  • It can be saved in clean, small bottles that are enough for one infant each.
  • After the baby has finished breastfeeding, dispose of the remaining milk.

  • After you've taken the milk out of the fridge and melted it, don't put it back in.
  • Avoid foaming the mother's milk pack.

  • Write the history in which milk was squeezed on a sheet and stick it on the can.
  • Milk doesn't have to be too hot, and it can be enough room temperature.

  • Frozen milk can be melted by placing it in the fridge all night (where it will remain valid for 24 hours), or by placing it in warm water (where it will remain valid for only one to two hours).
  • Do not add warm milk to the chilled milk kept inside the fridge or freezer.
  • Avoid heating mother's milk with microwaves.


Time saved for mother's milk

  • Four hours outside the fridge at room temperature without having to reheat.
  • Three days inside the fridge.

  • Three to six months are frozen inside the freezer, but the food milk may be worthless.
  • You can't take advice from the medical team if you need any information or help.
