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What is The Healthy Habits That Girls Must Learn From Their Mothers


Personal hygiene and healthy habits are important life skills, and even if you believe your adolescent daughter is aware of them, and how to take care of her body and mind as she reaches adolescence, you may be surprised. Most adolescents need less hygiene guidance from time to time.

In an article on Verywellfamily, educational expert Jennifer O'Donnell states that it may be uncomfortable to raise personal hygiene with teenage girls, but that it is necessary to teach your daughter the life skills she will need to become a healthy, clean and responsible person.

Constant hygiene routine

Dennis Whitmer, author of The Parents Guide to Everything for Raising a Successful Child, states in an article on Verywellfamily that "The first step in teaching hygiene habits is to develop a work routine. Whatever needs your daughter has, assist her in developing a routine so that personal hygiene is a regular part of her daily routine."

Witmer identifies a list of regular hygiene habits that can be followed up with girls, including:

 Tooth wash twice a day.

   Use dental floss once a day.

        Shower once a day.

        Hair wash regularly.

      Wash your hands several times daily and at least for 20 seconds.

     Removing excess hair regularly.

    Once a week, trim your fingernails and feet

• Use personal hygiene products correctly, such as deodorant, feminine hygiene products, acne facial cleaners, and so on.

Finally, wear clean clothes and change your underwear daily.


10 useful tips

Jasmine Reese, director of the specialist adolescent and youth clinic at Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital in Florida, gives important adolescent hygiene advice to parents on HopkinsallChildrens about:

Daily showers: Your daughter needs to shower once a day, and wash her shampoo hair at least twice a week. She might like to take a shower at the end of the day to unwind before going to bed. Other girls may need to shower in the morning to wake up and get a good start on the day. Those who exercise and are prone to sweat may need to shower more than once a day.

Teach your daughter how to concentrate while bathing on sweaty areas like the feet and the bottom of the arm to avoid odors and fatty skin buildup.

washing "T" zone in the face, certain areas of the face, such as the front, nose, and chin, become greasier. Using face soap or light cleaners on your face can help keep your skin clean. To prevent the spread of germs and bacteria, hands must be washed before touching the face.

Shaving properly, mothers should talk to their daughters about the proper time and way to shave. Nobody knows how to shave properly from the start. Patience and practice are required. Try to find the right way to shave for your daughter. It's possible to buy a battery razor machine, which easily gets the job done, and you may decide to use another method.

Skincare, your daughter doesn't know what you know about skincare, so explain to her what she needs to keep her skin clean, sacrifice her how to wash the face properly, hydrate it if necessary, and use popular acne treatments that don't require a prescription.



Smelly feet and boots may be a problem for your daughter, she can avoid this problem by giving her feet more attention in the bathroom, and making sure she's completely dry before wearing her shoes. and encourage them to wear cotton socks rather than fiber-made socks.

Period, girls also need help in understanding what the period is about. Talk to them about how many times you need to change the hearth pad, how to properly dispose of it, and how to clean it up afterward.

When adolescents reach adulthood, they develop a new type of ethnic gland in their armpits and genitals, which causes body odor. Skin bacteria feed on the sweat produced by this type of gland, which can result in offensive body odor.

Washing the body and changing clothes regularly, especially after physical activity, helps reduce the accumulation of bacteria. Changing underwear and clothing that directly touches the skin is particularly important, as these clothes accumulate dead skin cells and sweats on which bacteria live, which is why they smell.

Using deodorant, puberty is a good time for your daughter to begin using anti-deodorant because it keeps her spirits high and she stays fresh. Request that she keeps extra deodorant in her backpack or sports bag.

Adolescents prefer deodorant products with strong scents, but these products can sometimes irritate their skin. As a result, you must assist your daughter in locating a product that will do the job without causing skin irritation.

Have fun. Teenagers enjoy selecting their clothes and cosmetics. Allow your daughter to go shopping for soap and shampoo. I teach her that sometimes the most expensive elements are not necessarily the best.

Give it its own space. Adolescents need privacy, especially as their bodies begin to change.

Adolescents at this age escape from confronting their mothers in many matters related to their personal affairs, so your intrusion into your daughter's world must be wise, confident, and cautious in choosing the right conditions and methods of education and counseling.

IMPORTANT: After puberty

  • You can introduce the girl to how to change the sanitary pistons and how to deal with her symptoms when she comes in.
  • During menstruation, keep her out of stress, taught her how to deal with the pain problem, by eating hot drinks.

  • You have to tell her what's happening to her, something natural that can be hidden through a hot bath or some light exercise.
  • Make your daughter feel comfortable talking to you about everything she's going through at this point.

  • All the changes that happen to her must be explained by the large size of the breast and the growth of the hair under the armpits, and the start of using deodorant.
  • A girl must feel comfortable and unafraid of what's happening to her and sudden changes during this stage.

  • Dealing with these changes in a psychological way so that she doesn't feel self-embarrassed, feels satisfied with her body and the changes that are taking place in her body, and increases her self-confidence so that it doesn't affect her in the youth stage and become something of her life.
