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How do you take care of your hair if you're veiled?



The issue of hair care for veils is one of the most important issues for Muslim women. Failure to choose a vineyard and the way it is placed is one of the main factors that drag the veils into many problems that were indispensable, such as excess fat, cortex, hair drop, and loss of vitality, so that care for women with veils becomes more than urgent.


Care for veiled hair starts to protect it from too much fat and falling out

Women's frequent wear of vintage causes a change in their hair and causes them to fall as breathless, especially if the vintage is rough or dark, in which case it should be noted that greasy hair is more affected than dry hair, and a woman who notes that her hair is starting to fall, must massage the scalp with a comb containing pins every day, and she must resort to it.


Healthy, beautiful hair, even under the veil

The vault wears the veil outside the house and inside it sometimes, which requires her to keep it on her head for several hours a day, especially if she's studying or working, how should the veil handle it? And how do you protect her hair under the veil for hours?

The "Golden Hand School" expert says that wearing a veil does not have a direct effect on hair, but it is the way a veil is placed and the quality of its canvas that affects the health and vitality of the hair. For example, wearing several wigs together, like in fashion, denies ventilation and oxygen access to the hair, as well as wearing a vintage made of industrial fiber, which results in the elimination ization of hair.

- Select sweat-absorbing fabrics that allow air to enter, such as cotton fabrics, and change the headscarf daily, so that the bacteria do not reproduce on your hair.

- Avoid wearing dark-colored vintage in the summer, for easy sunlight absorption, which heats the scalp and hair.

- Try not to wear the veil for 8 hours straight, you can at least take some rest and take off the veil even for a short time to take the air and allow the scalp pores to breathe.

- Scalp massage to activate the circulatory system and prevent hair from falling and strengthening it.

- The release of the hair in a comfortable direction before the veil is placed, while avoiding its stiffness because it hurts the scalp.

- Regular hair washing with appropriate shampoo for the disposal of excess oils, cortex, and dead cells accumulated on hair and head skin;

- Avoiding wearing the veil on wet hair is a major harm to the hair.

- Frequent drinking of water to maintain the humidity of scalp cells.



Elimination of hair dehydration

After washing the hair I avoid wrapping it with a towel, leaving it to dry perfectly naturally before putting on the veil.

Avoid tying hair when it's wet. If you want to dry your hair fast, use the dryer on medium heat and comb the hair with fingers and gently. That way it'll get you out of the hair dry and limit it.


Pick a soft scarf or veil

-Pick out a soft fabric, exactly, like wet cotton fabrics on the hair. Choosing the wrong cloth causes the heat to lock and sweat the scalp, causing hair to fall and damage.

-Make sure you tie the veil properly and comfortably to the hair and scalp. Pick a scarf or veil from materials that easily absorb sweat, like cotton or jersey. 

-Sweat-absorbing and easily penetrated tissue materials are very useful for facilitating air circulation in the head.


Hair ventilation

When you come home after a hard day's work, take off the veil, and let the scalp breathe. Instead, you open your hair and let the air penetrate into the scalp. Don't leave the hair wrapped in a veil. Leave the scalp to rest and relax. If you have an air conditioner, it's better to leave the body able to relax to add a sweat scalp.


Choosing better shampoo

You have to choose a shampoo according to the quality of your hair and it doesn't contain chemicals. It is better to use cactus or coconut shampoo to accelerate hair growth and reduce its fall.

Treatment of weeds

Currently, on the market, I've found many useful herbs that work to treat hair fall. Herbal ingredients are very diverse, and how they are also used is different. 

Examples of herbs that are considered useful such as ginseng, ginger, and apple vinegar, have seen palmetto, ponytail, green tea, etc., and even though they are described as natural substances, we need to be careful using them, especially in herbal beverages. 

look for full information on the contents of the herbal ingredients. And if necessary, consult your doctor. Herbs safe to use are green tea. Because drinking green tea can increase some substances called sex binding globulin hormone (SHBG)

SHBG prevents hormonal activity to reduce hair loss. 

And do not forget that green tea is an antioxidant.


Failure to sweep the hair wet

Not to sweep the hair wet so you don't cause it to fall. Comb the hair before and after wearing the veil to get the air to the scalp, which means it can help spin the circulatory system. Always use a wide-toothed wooden comb and avoid drawing the line between hair. Just comb on one side so it doesn't cause hair to fall.

Avoid narrow hair ties

Avoid tying the hair to a tight ligament or using rubber ligaments, which would break the hair. You have to use soft hair ties to tie your hair. Avoid iron clamps or rubber laces because they can cause hair damage due to friction with materials. You can also lay off your hair in the form of a loose cake and not tie the hair too hard to cause you headaches.


Disposal of crust

If you have a light shell in the head, use a nice, mild shampoo with warm water to wash your hair. Wash the hair with the shampoo well to clean the scalp out of the shell and make sure the shampoo residue in the hair is removed. If you have a severe head cortex, you should consult a dermatologist if you want to use the veil.

Tips for restoring hair glitter and enhancing its glitter

 - Clean the hair gently to eliminate excess fat (excess only), which turns the hair luminosity into an unappealing oily appearance, so it is preferable to wash it with proper shampoo and warm water to remove the accumulated oils, making the hair reclaimed again.

- Keeping good hair care every week.

- Use a feeder mask for curly hair weekly.

- To move away from some hairdressing preparations such as "gel" hair and fixtures.

- Protection of hair from burning sun damage.

- Cutting the hair limbs once a month, to eliminate blistering hair.

- Not rubbing the power of the hair when using shampoo.

- The use of water, which is a useful element for the health of the body and the hair, is not more frequent, but its overuse takes away the hair, and the excess moisture results in the bulging of the hair stem.










