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The Most Important Information To Know About Sensitive Skin

The Most Important Information To Know About Sensitive Skin

1) What do you know about sensitive skin?

Many people say they have sensitive skin because skin care or household products that come in contact with their skin cause tingling, burning, itching, redness, or tightness. Or they say they have sensitive skin because they feel uncomfortable, even though they don't see any visible effects of a product.

However, dermatologists look for the following features to diagnose sensitive skin:

  •  Pustules, bumps, and skin erosions are examples of skin reactions.
  •  Dry skin that does not adequately protect the skin's nerve endings.
  •  A tendency to blush and redness of the skin.

2) How can I know if I have sensitive skin or not?

Has a dermatologist examined your skin? This is the most correct way to determine whether you have sensitive skin or if the origin of your skin problem is something else.

3) What is the cause of sensitive skin?

Some of the possible reasons for sensitive skin reactions are as follows:

  • Skin conditions or allergic skin reactions include eczema, rosacea, and allergic contact dermatitis.
  • Skin that is too dry or injured to protect nerve endings, resulting in skin reactions.
  • Excessive exposure to environmental factors that damage the skin, such as sun and wind and extreme heat or cold.

Skin sensitivity is less well defined due to genetic factors and differences in age, gender and race, but may play a role in skin reactions.

4) Are there medical tests available for people who have sensitive skin? 

Patch tests can detect allergy symptoms that cause or contribute to skin sensitivity. On the other hand, it is difficult for doctors to perform tests because of the variety of factors that can trigger sensitive skin.

5) Should men be concerned about skin sensitivity?

Yes, men place as much importance on a healthy skin appearance as women do.

6) Can you give me some advice on how to take care of my sensitive skin, especially on my face?

Cleanse. Sensitive skin reacts differently to different cleaning methods depending on the individual. However, most dermatologists agree that "deodorant" or heavily scented soaps contain strong cleansing agents and should not be used on the face. Soap-free cleansers, such as mild cleansing sticks and sticks for sensitive skin, and most liquid facial cleansers, are less irritating to facial skin than soaps. The same is true for cleansing creams and disposable wipes.

7) What features should I look for in skincare products to make them less irritating to sensitive skin?

There are no specific guidelines. However, the most "skin-friendly" products are the following:

  • They contain few ingredients.
  • There is little or no fragrance.

If you have sensitive skin, avoid products that contain the following:


  • Antibacterial ingredients or deodorants.
  •  Retinoids or alpha hydroxy acids.
  •  Alcohol.

8) What types of cosmetics are gentler on sensitive skin?

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the following for sensitive skin:

  • Use face powders that are low in preservatives and have a low risk of skin irritation.
  • To avoid skin irritation, use a silicone-based primer.
  • Do not use waterproof cosmetics; they should be removed with a special cleanser.
  • Eyeliner and mascara appear to be the least allergenic.
  • Use eye and eyebrow pencils instead of liquid pencils, which contain latex and can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Old cosmetics should be discarded because they can spoil or become contaminated.


9) How can I test if I have a reaction to sensitive skin with a new skincare product?

Do the following before applying a new product to your skin:

  • Apply a small amount behind one ear over several days and leave it on overnight.
  • If your skin is not irritated, repeat the process, but this time apply the product to an area near an eye.
  • If you still don't notice any irritation, you can use the product all over your face.

10) Can you give me tips on how to protect my sensitive skin in winter and summer?

To begin, use sunscreen all year. Use one that says broad spectrum and has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30, and use it every day you'll be out in the sun for more than 20 minutes.

Keep in mind that the sun's skin-damaging UVB rays are at their peak between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Avoid going out in the sun during these hours whenever possible, no matter what time of year it is.

To avoid skin dryness, flaking, itching, and cracking during the winter, do the following:

  • Avoid overheating your home.
  • Take warm, rather than hot, baths and showers, and use a soap-free cleanser.
  • Reduce skin dryness after bathing by patting it dry and applying moisturizer while it is still moist.
  • Make use of a moisturizer that contains petrolatum, mineral oil, linoleic acid, ceramides, dimethicone, or glycerin.

Don’t forget that tanning damages your skin during the summer. Even if you've applied sunscreen, don't lie out in the sun.

 Natural sensitive skincare:


You can use the simplest ingredients in your kitchen to prepare the best mascots that are effective at maintaining the health, appearance, and beauty of sensitive skin; So we show you here how to take care of naturally sensitive skin with household mascots.

Sensitive and dry skincare:

If you are a sensitive and dry skinhead who requires intensive care, here's the best way to take care of sensitive and dry skin:


Make sure to use 2-3 wet creams times a day; Like panthenol cream for the face, while you can use shea butter to moisturize your hands and feet at least every day.

Make sure you drink enough water, at least 8 cups a day, to avoid exacerbating your drought problem.


Sensitive and fatty skincare:

Avocado is known for its great ability to nourish the skin and maintain its balance in terms of oils secretion, and oats hydrate the sensitive skin without causing redness and irritation; So we explain to you the following:


Avocado catcher and oatmeal for sensitive skin:



  • 1 large tablespoon of fresh avocado content.
  • 1 large tablespoon of oatmeal.
  • 1 small spoon of natural honey.



  • Breathe your avocado well.
  • Add the oatmeal and honey to the avocado and mix the ingredients together until you get a musk with a fairly coherent paste.
  • Put the mask on your face and neck, and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your skin with cold water.


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