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Self-development and personality building, Get some secrets


it is defined as a person's effort and endeavor to be better than he or she is; by improving his abilities, abilities, and qualifications, knowing and developing the strengths of his personality, this development includes mental abilities, communication skills, improving the ability to control oneself, feelings and reactions, and giving her numerous skills and positive behavior. Self-development is of great importance both to the individual and to society, and its importance varies from person to person at the grade or level, and the more the person develops himself or herself in society and becomes better. Self-development is due to the trainers and staff; Each of its approaches, but the majority begin to develop self-confidence first as the first step to self-development.

Self-esteem and respect can be said to reflect one ', especially during childhood, which plays a major role in their development; Parents can promote their children's self-esteem by consistently expressing their love for them, demonstrating affection and respect, and by helping their children set realistic goals that they pursue rather than imposing unrealistic standards on them and asking for them. Karen Horney reported: Karen Horney) that a lack of self-esteem and self-esteem can bring him to the vulnerability of his personality, leading him to pursue extreme means of proving himself. It is worth noting that poor self-esteem and self-esteem lead to a person's inability to develop his talents and take advantage of his strengths.

Self-Development Methods

There are several ways in which an individual can develop himself or herself and improve his or her competencies:

  • Reduce the gap between the information and education systems an individual receives and the skills they acquire from them, and what they actually need in their working lives.
  • Continue to learn and learn about all the new scientific changes that are occurring, to develop capabilities commensurate with developments in society.
  • Setting the goal in life.
  • Acquire new ways to deal with stressors and life problems.
  • Making a change in all aspects of life.


Self-development skills

Self-development and strong personality building require several skills:

Setting goals and pursuing their achievement: this needs to develop and begin implementing an appropriate plan; To reach the drawn end.

Prioritization: Where goals differ in importance, there is the importance and there is the most important, and therefore an individual has to live in the circle of important matters and carry them out leaving out unimportant activities, which would achieve their goals less and more efficiently.
Learning to work and not just to learn: Learning itself is very important, but it becomes useless and a heavy burden if a man does not work with it, so the individual has to use what he learns in the service of himself and his community.

Advancing thinking: Good thinking is what distinguishes a person from another, a skill that needs training, a necessity for the individual's upscaling and development, and one can overcome one's problems and improve one's situation.

Sowing optimism: positivity is important for evolution and positive energy distances oneself from a sense of frustration and defeat, thereby increasing one's effectiveness and achievement, and enhancing entrepreneurship within one. Development and success begin from within the individual; He must therefore have confidence in his abilities and enhances his self-confidence and potential, which makes him master his work and succeed in his life.

Listening to others, minimizing speech as possible; Because good listening increases the opportunity to learn and gain experiences from others.

Improving relationships, respect, observance, and dialogue with others while mitigating positive expectations, thereby increasing opportunities to benefit them.

Balance in various aspects of life; The complexity and magnification of life's requirements can sometimes cause tension and frustration, and therefore the individual must balance his or her relationships with his or her work with all aspects of his or her life; so that it fits into his personality.

Focus efforts on one aspect of personality in which the individual finds himself, so that he does not give his time to everything and then comes out with nothing, and continue to develop this aspect, thereby increasing the chances of development and achieving the goal.

Self-confidence and its relationship to self-development

Self-development needs personal strength and self-confidence, and this is what the workers and those interested in this field focus on. Self-confidence is an advantage of a strong personality, an important factor for success, excellence, and self-development, It enables the individual to solve his own problems, explore his possibilities and time, It is also able to successfully behave in various situations of life self-esteem is defined as that sense of one's own self-esteem. which enables it to act and speak without hesitation, or fear, so that it does not care about others' reactions; He acts and makes his own decisions, which stem from a person's self-esteem, his belief that God has placed in every human being an advantage that makes him different, and he must discover this advantage and try to develop it and create it, and build his personality through it.

Types of self-confidence

There are two types of self-confidence:

Self-confidence: A person who possesses this kind of confidence, can cope with all the pressures and problems he is exposed to in life, and does not give up easily, as he accepts failure or error, it is a trust that is strongly justified.


Self-determined confidence: what distinguishes this trust is that it does not appear in all situations; According to a person's appreciation of the situation to which he is exposed, he appreciates and knows his possibilities. Enhancing self-confidence is a learned behavior that can be developed and strengthened, by following what comes: a person's self-esteem, looking at it positively, and believing that he deserves better. The belief that God Almighty has placed in everyone what distinguishes him, that everyone possesses talents and skills that others may not possess, and at the same time has to realize the weaknesses of his personality so that he can improve it. Those who realize it all can develop themselves and succeed in life, and he stops comparing himself to others.

Nourishing personality by experimenting with everything new, will build personality and increase self-confidence.

Participation in collective work, such as volunteerism, group activities that give an individual the opportunity to express an opinion and communicate with others.

To move away from the perpetration of disobedience and sins that make a man more than blame himself, would destabilize his confidence.

Tomorrow's optimism is better, accompanying people who spread the positive energy around them.

Self-training in decision-making

And so that man can build a strong personality that will enhance his confidence. and hence his quest for continuous self-development, he has to listen well to others and he constantly reads and learns about what is new, exchanges views with others, and accepts their views. And so his communication skills increase and he becomes a good speaker, his life prospects expand and he has an opinion. s personality ", and helping, supporting, and respecting others improves his personality and brings him respect and gratitude to others, which is reflected in the positive building of his personality.


