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7 ways to treat depression and how you know you're depressed?

 7 ways to treat depression and how you know you're depressed

Depression has become a feature of modern times, as a result of what we experience during the normal day of oceanic events and crises that directly lead to a sense of frustration that can cause depression.


Depression is characterized by low mood as a result of despair and frustration. And a loss of hope with a lack of desire to do the usual activities to enjoy. Depression may also be accompanied by some symptoms such as headaches and some muscle pain that can worsen in the advanced stages of depression.


In addition, constant grief affects life greatly, which spoils the enjoyment of all daily activities and events. It may also develop some psychiatric or mental illnesses, known as morbid depression.

However, we should not succumb to all those negative feelings when experiencing certain psychological stressors or crises, so we can overcome depression with some simple advice and natural means that help to overcome the feeling of depression.

If an individual is in the following condition for at least two weeks, this may be evidence of depression:


  • ·         Feeling depressed or desperate or moody
  • ·         Losing interest in things that used to bring joy
  • ·         Inactivity, increased fatigue

There may also be some other symptoms, such as concentration and attention disorders, lack of self-esteem, guilt or loss of value, loss of hope, sleep disorders, or anorexia. Many people with depression also experience different physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive disorders, or sexual disorders.

How does depression arise?

To determine the cause of injury, both biological factors (such as metabolic changes in the brain) and family conditions (such as a parent's depression) are taken into account, as opposed to past experiences of life stress (such as separations from a life partner, and the death of a dear person).


These factors lead to a rise or decrease in the risk of depression. If at the same time, an individual's passage from psychologically stressful or difficult living conditions (such as losing a job, serious physical illness) is combined, it may lead to depression.


It’s important to understand that no one should blame himself for his depression, as the disease can infect anyone. The examples mentioned above (such as biological or family conditions) are capable of making one vulnerable to depression. If one is infected, it is often impossible to detect or understand the cause of injury at a moment's notice. However, obtaining support from others (e.g. in the context of psychiatric treatment) may help to accommodate these causes or change some areas in the private life of whoever contributes to or maintains disorders.

How can one know if one is depressed?

It's important - before everything - that depressive symptoms are taken seriously. In case the latter lasts longer than time, seek a first consultation interview with a doctor (usually a family doctor) or psychiatrist. As part of a detailed consultation interview, the latter ask questions about the disease symptoms, one after the other, and enquire about the patient's general state of health, family history, and physical and mental illness. The injured person may also be required to fill out a questionnaire.


This diagnostic interview is important to see if someone is depressed and how severe they are. In addition, it is necessary to subject the patient to physical examination, for example by the family doctor or an internal physician. In this way, it is excluded to be a disease that has not been completed.


These are the best natural means 7 defeat depression.

1-Undertaking some creative work

Painting, dancing, listening to music, playing a musical instrument, or any other form of creative expression that allows you to connect with your emotions. As a result, art therapy is an effective treatment for depression. People can express themselves through such actions.

2- Eliminating negative ideas

Destructive ideas that dominated human beings during depression should not be surrendered. These negative ideas hinder access to desired goals while giving meaning to life. When recognizing the internal voice that causes grief and gloom, it must not be listened to with complete disregard for those ideas.

Instead, those ideas must be confronted with more positive thinking. It is also recommended to take on pleasant tasks even if you are unwilling to do so. 

Also, it must not be isolated from others, even in cases of frustration or sadness.


3-Aromatic treatments

Some soothing smells have a great effect on people, and also help to deal with minor cases of depression. Natural vegetable oils are thought to help stimulate some areas of the brain.

Therefore, some aromatic remedies can be followed through the use of some aromatic oils such as lavender, musk, lemon, rose, bergamot, oranges, or other favorite odors while placing them in a special bottle with spray and constantly spraying them inside the room.

These oils can also be used for body massage to improve the general mood.


4. Going outside and being exposed to sunlight.

Exposure to sunlight for about half an hour helps improve mood while relieving feelings of stress and sadness, due to the enhancement of serotonin levels in the blood when exposed to sunlight. So sunlight is a natural antidepressant. Exposure to sunlight also helps strengthen the body's immunity.

It is also an effective way to overcome depression resulting from changing classes of the year or pregnancy.


5- Following the right diet

In most cases, feeling depressed affects the way you eat, whether an increase or decrease. But in all cases, it is necessary to get the proper nutrition necessary for the body, to avoid the control of negative feelings of overeating.


Eating some snacks of foods that help improve mood is also necessary for that period, such as apples, bananas, artifacts, nuts, and a salad containing some dark green vegetables, paper, tomatoes, and other foods.

Also foods rich in fatty acids especially omega-3 help to improve mood effectively. It is recommended to eat oily fish such as tuna or sardines or to take dietary supplements from omega-3.


6. Eat deep chocolate

The deep chocolate helps to promote the production of serotonin and dopamine within the body, consuming a piece of dark chocolate can assist substantially boost mood.

Deep chocolate also contains antioxidants that prevent heart disease.

But care must be taken when eating them, eating large amounts of chocolate can cause some damage. Relying on eating certain foods to improve mood is essentially the wrong nutritional habit.

7-Exercise and adequate sleep

Perform some physical activities regularly for at least half an hour a day with sufficient sleep, effectively treating depression.

During exercise, the body secrets endorphins, a chemical that helps to feel refreshed and feel positive, helping to eliminate depression effectively.


Regular exercise also helps healthy sleep, increases energy levels within the body, and improves heart activity. Healthy sleep also helps maintain a good mood and reduces the feeling of nervousness it also helps to release endorphins.

Lack of or sleep disorders also help to become depressed, adversely affecting brain function and cognition



