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Among them are processed meat.. 8 foods to avoid after the age of 50

 A person's diet varies depending on the age at which he or she attains. After the age of 50, there is a range of foods to avoid, as they negatively affect public health.

In the following lines, we review a list of the most prominent foods to avoid at the age of 50, according to the website "Everyday Health."


Pancakes contain as many calories as 190 calories or more, in addition to their high content of sugars, which cause obesity and diabetes.

2.Fat meals

One of the foods to refrain from eating at age, because it contains a high percentage of saturated fat, which causes high blood cholesterol, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

This has long been emphasized by the World Health Organization (WHO), where it has called on older people to reduce consumption of harvested meat, because it causes colorectal cancer, and therefore prefers to replace these meals with chicken or grilled fish.

3. White chocolate

Of the desserts with low nutritional value, a piece of white chocolate contains 230 calories, 16 grams of fat, and 20 grams of sugar.

In contrast, dark chocolate contains a high incidence of cocoa, an antioxidant that combats free osteoarthritis, reducing the chances of some diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

4. Steak Meat

One of the most greasy meats, one of which contains 16 grams of saturated fat, is a food that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5. Protein cubes

A type of dessert, often eaten as snacks between main meals, knowing that it contains a high calorie content, can be replaced with coconut cubes, for its low content of sugars.

6.Sugar-Rich Drinks

Eat only 50 grams of sugar a day, in each of our daily diet, which contains 2,000 calories.

Tea, fine coffee drinks and lemon juice contain large amounts of sugar and excess sugar puts pressure on organs such as: pancreas, liver, increased blood sugar and triglyceride levels and increases the risk of fatty liver disease.

Sugars also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and their occurrence and prevalence increase as we age.


You should avoid eating fries saturated with unhealthy fats, which negatively affect cholesterol.

8. Processed foods

There are many ready-to-eat and processed foods, such as cake mixture, crisps, ketchup, sweetened milk and frozen pizza, which add food colors, sodium, preservatives and other additives, are not good for the human body.

These processed foods are also free of fiber and nutrients, such as: potassium and magnesium and full of calories, with lots of fat and salts
