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The magical fasting diet for weight loss and how to success it?


Stop eating for a few days to drink only water: this is the principle of water fasting. This unique diet will have many benefits: detox, weight loss... But is it really effective, good for your health? Let's check-in.

Fasting has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases, gradually imposing itself in the world of diets. Intermittent fasting, total fasting, or dry fasting, each with its own technique, but the goal is always the same: to detox your body, but also to get rid of your excess pounds. Water fasting is not an exception, but like all other deprivations, it is not easily done.

What is water fasting?

When full fasting or dry fasting involves not swallowing anything for several days, water fasting allows you to continue drinking water, herbal tea, and gravy to stay hydrated. Therefore, for several days, the goal is to abandon all forms of food, focusing on low-calorie drinks.

This practice allows, according to its followers, to rest its digestive system. Digestion is already an energy-intensive process, and when the digestive tract is on leave, this energy is used for something else in the body, so can focus on detoxification. In the same way, this fracture will allow the intestine to regenerate fluorescence and intestinal mucosa. In short, all this will allow the gut to absorb nutrients better.

How long does a water fast last?

There are different ways to practice water fasting, but practitioners agree that 5 days is perfect, to practice it once a year. Most experienced people practice even water fasting as a treatment that lasts for several days, under the supervision of physiotherapy and with a strict health framework. For people who are not used to practicing this type of detox, the first treatment is recommended for 24 to 48 hours.

Water fasting, instructions for use

And fasting whatever doesn't start overnight. In fact, sudden discontinuation of the diet would be a shock to the body. Starting to fast water, however long it may be, requires precautions. So it is very important to prepare in advance. During the days before fasting water, you will need to follow a very strict dietary protocol, gradually removing certain categories from your diet.

Day-3: Stop sugar, red meat, alcohol, and wheat flour but also alarms such as tea or coffee halve starchy foods.

Day -2: Total cessation of starchy foods and legumes.

Day-1: Complete cessation of proteins and solid foods: only juices and soups are allowed.

During water fasting, eating solid foods is prohibited. You can gradually resume a normal diet at the end of this period without food. Warning: After several days of not eating, your body will need time to adjust. No doubt jumping on a huge burger. Start small with soups, competes, or steamed foods.

What to drink during water fasting?

As the name suggests, water fasting involves drinking water. But what water? Normal water, if possible: sparkling water can disturb the body and create gases or bloating. The ideal option is to choose rich water with low metal content to allow the body to easily integrate it. It is also possible to drink sugar-free herbal tea, plant-based broth without cutting, and fresh fruit juice diluted in water. case of low energy in case of low energy in case of low energy in case of low energy

Water fasting: contraindications

As a rule, nature therapists recommend the practice of fasting water during retreats or holidays, because this very special diet does not fit the energy required by a normal day. It is also not entirely recommended for people with chronic illnesses, chronic fatigue, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with psychiatric disorders or eating disorders.

What are the risks of water fasting?

It is important to remember: that water fasting is not practiced anyway because it is a program that can be dangerous to your health. This method often causes vitamin B1 deficiency, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and nerves. So there are neurological risks. Nutritionists also point to the potential for "hydroelectric" disorders, i.e. the imbalance of the body's sodium level. Finally, the chances of getting sick after fasting water are more numerous: this practice leads to loss of muscle mass and weakening of the body and is, therefore, less able to defend itself against infections.

Finally, an important reminder: water fasting can promote eating disorders and is strongly advised for people who have already experienced anorexia, bulimia, or osteoporosis.

Health professionals remind you: Water fasting allows you to lose weight, but it should not be used as part of a diet, because the weight loss is likely to come back quickly.
Before embarking on water fasting or fasting of any kind, you should consult your doctor, who will have to follow you during this entire period.

If you just want to purify your body, we recommend half a day's fasting.

What is half-day fasting?

Unlike fasting, where one stops eating for several days, half fasting is a practice where one refrains from solid food for several hours (usually 16 hours).

How do you practice it? To do half fasting, you must "stop" for 16 consecutive hours. For example, you can stop eating from 8 pm until noon the next day. On the other hand, it will be necessary to moisturize the body regularly.

Be careful though: No one can practice this very specific way of eating.
Before starting half fasting, it is necessary to contact a health professional. It is not recommended for pregnant women or people with diabetes.

Also be careful not to practice very long or very strict fasting halves, which may tire you quickly, or cause a lack of nutrition.

How to succeed in half your fast?

First tip: Wet yourself regularly during this period, and variety of your drinks! Water, fruit juices, gravy, and also injections (without sugar) will be your best allies to moisturize you and withstand shock.

Second tip: Don't put the tape too high from the beginning. If you have not done so before, first start with one day of half fasting per week.

Thus you will slowly learn about your new sensations associated with this pattern of eating, for example, fatigue (temporary) or hunger. You can then try to perform half fasting several days a week.

Third tip: Start from home!
It is already better to start this style of food at home. Your physical activity will be less severe, so the first discomfort is less important!
