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What foods should not be eaten in the regim period?


Are there foods to stay away from during the recreation?

It must be noted that overeating, whether the diet is high in fat, or high in carbs, can cause weight gain, and if calorie consumption is higher than the calories the body needs, it is likely to increase weight,

It should be noted that it is not necessary to completely refrain from all suddenly forbidden foods Such foods cause a problem only when their intake is daily and frequent, Therefore, prohibited foods can be eaten in small quantities, moderately, or only twice a week. food ", there is a difference between eating preferred food from time to time and determining the quantities to be eaten, and eating all desired foods at any time.

Foods to minimize during recreation

It is generally preferable to reduce high calorie foods when trying to lose weight, or avoid eating them. These include:

Fat: Overeating some types of fat, especially saturated fat, and artificially produced transformed oils, can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, so animal fats or oils rich in saturated fat can be replaced, such as: Butter, ghee, coconut oil, palm oil, unsaturated vegetable oils, such as: Olive oil, soy oil, sunflower oil or corn oil, and to avoid weight gain, total fat consumption must not exceed 30% of a person's total calorie intake.

Sugar: The choice of fresh fruits rather than desserts, such as cookies, cakes, chocolates, reduced intake of soft drinks, and other sugar-rich drinks, such as: Fruit juices, milk and flavored yogurt reduce the consumption of sugars. Sugars must represent less than 10% of the total calorie intake for a healthy diet. If sugars are less than 5%, the body has additional health benefits.

Takeaway: The takeaway has a high calorie, sugar and fat intake. This combination of fat and sugar increases addiction, overeats it, and the takeaway lacks important nutrients, such as fibre, vitamins and minerals. It is also the main source of obesity and the agent.

Fried foods: Fried foods contain a high proportion of calories, salt and unhealthy fats. Examples include: Fried potatoes, as many restaurants cook potatoes in deep pans to give them a crunchy texture, but this method greatly increases the amount of fat, calories and, however, because they lack fibre and protein, fried potatoes do not help a person feel full for a very long time.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates do not cause an immediate increase in weight, but starchy carbohydrates are considered high in calories, and if high in calorie foods are consumed more, weight is likely to increase, whether those calories are carbohydrates, or other types of food.

High Fat Meat and Dairy: High fat dairy products contain saturated fat. These products include cheese, cream, butter and whole fat milk. For meat, it prefers to choose lean red meat, fish, and poultry.

High Fat Meat and Dairy: High fat dairy products contain saturated fat. These products include cheese, cream, butter and whole fat milk. For meat, it prefers to choose lean red meat, fish, and poultry.

Overview of Rigim

The dietary diet is diverse in choosing different foods from the main food groups daily, determining the quantities of these foods for balance. The World Health Organization indicates that a healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition, and helps protect the body from many chronic non-communicable diseases, such as: Heart disease, diabetes and cancer, so weight loss for those who are overweight, or obese, can improve their health.
