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A new baby! you have to know this important advice


A newborn baby can change your life - in the best possible way! It's natural to feel confused and overwhelmed during the first weeks but don't worry, so you'll soon find a way and style that suits your life and your child's life. Honey on yourself and rate every step of this wonderful and unique journey.

Do you need some guidance? These 8 lifestyle tips have been prepared for new mothers to help them manage their maternity needs; So that they can enjoy those precious early months with their newborn.

1. Adherence to a balanced diet

Food plays an important role in maintaining your body shape for your new life as a mother. A proper diet will give you the energy and focus you need and help improve the quality of breast milk for your child. Learn more on our Feed New Mom page.

"Healthy food will help you meet your maternity needs, and help provide high-quality breast milk for your child"

2. Take a multivitamin and mineral-rich supplements daily

The old saying that you must now "eat for two" remains valid and applies to you as a new mother even after you have given birth. This is more about the quality of the food you eat than about its quantity. Breastfeeding increases the nutritional needs of mothers and must be met to meet the needs of mothers and children. For example, a dietary supplement containing vitamin B12 (2.6 mg/day) is recommended for plant-based breastfeeding mothers, and a nutritional supplement of 10 mg/day is recommended for mothers who avoid milk and other foods that compensate for vitamin D. You can support your diet with a dietary supplement containing vitamins and minerals specially prepared for breastfeeding mothers.

3. Get some rest

All mothers will tell you that childcare can often feel like real exercise. This new level of physical activity can consume your energy quickly, so it is important to always remember to take care of yourself and look for amenities whenever possible. Conserving energy through rest is an important tip for new mothers to get rid of the fatigue of their new role. Here are some ways to maintain your energy.

❯ sit down whenever you can and nap when the baby is asleep.
❯ reduce housework, this is not the time to clean your balcony or completely reorganize your garden.
❯ try to relax and use special methods that you have learned during pregnancy to relieve yourself.
❯ prepare snacks and healthy meals so you don't need to cook for a long time.
❯ ask your husband to take part in the care of the child, it will give you time to rest and help them strengthen their relationship with the child.
❯ ask others to help, friends and relatives will be happy to help you with day-to-day assignments or indulge you.

"Nap whenever possible, especially when the child is asleep."

4. Getting rid of postpartum depression

The combination of hormones and lack of sleep can make you feel sad and irritable after birth. However, following the birth of a child, it is normal for women to suffer from "postpartum depression", which is characterized by loneliness, sadness, fatigue, anxiety, stress, or a high level of tears. Do not hesitate to communicate with someone you trust for help while you rest and recover. Talking to someone about how you feel can also alleviate some anxiety and stress.

If you feel sad or confused for more than two weeks after giving birth, consult your doctor.

5. Exercise

Having a new baby doesn't mean you should reduce your self-care. Light exercises can help improve your mood, increase your energy levels, and regain the perfect shape faster. Set a target for some medium-intensity exercises such as walking or swimming for at least 30 minutes and preferably daily. Start with a lighter level of activity during the first few months and gradually increase the level.

Some exercises to strengthen your muscles after pregnancy will help your recovery and restore your activity after birth.

6. Get out of the house

Keeping home is not a good idea at all. Try to do as many tasks and activities outside the home as possible. They may be simple activities such as walking in the park, spending a day at the beach, or going out for a nice walk with the family. These are good things for your child too to activate their senses in the outside world. If you want company, look for a group in your area where new mothers meet to walk and talk.

7. Avoid alcohol impairments

Alcoholism may disrupt child care, and alcohol that seeps into breast milk may reverse affect the child. Some studies have shown that exposure to alcohol in breast milk may lead to a persistent disturbance of active sleep in infants, and chronic (daily) exposure to alcohol may lead to a slight motor growth deficit during the first year of life.

Avoid alcohol if you breastfeed, it seeps into breast milk and then into your baby.

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