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Pregnant for the first time? 8 indispensable tips


Contradictory feelings dominate a woman's pregnancy for the first time, being overwhelmed by great happiness, while at the same time worrying and fearing for her health and that of the foetus.

In the next report, we review tips necessary for the virgin holder, according to the websites "WebMD" and "Mayo clinic."

Tips for pristine pregnant in the early months

1. Taking vitamins

In the early months, the pristine pregnant woman must be interested in taking vitamins under the supervision of the competent physician, due to their considerable ability to improve the development of the fetus and protect it from developing birth defects, as well as the benefits they offer to her health, such as strengthening the immune system.

2. Treatment of morning nausea

Morning nausea is a disturbing symptom of pregnancy in the early months, but the pristine pregnancy should not give up on it, but it is necessary to consult a doctor about appropriate medications to control it or take safe herbal drinks that soothe the digestive system, such as ginger tea.

3. Receiving the flu vaccine

If the occurrence of the first pregnancy coincides in winter, the flu vaccine must be received, because the early pregnancy's immunity in the meantime is weak, making it easy prey to viruses.

4- Stay away from cream cheese

Pristine pregnant nutritionists recommend that you stay away from eating cream cheese, because it is a factory of unpasteurized raw milk, containing microorganisms, which may harm the health of the fetus.

5. Exercise

Physical activity is beneficial for pristine pregnant women, so it is recommended to set aside constant time throughout the day, for exercise, such as walking, yoga and swimming, for half an hour, because movement helps facilitate the normal birth process.

6. Not dealing with cat poo

It is better for the husband to be responsible for cleaning the pet sand box, because the pristine pregnant woman's treatment of cat litter may increase her risk of being infected with the arches, an influenza-like infection.

If the pregnant woman has to clean the cat's sand herself, she has to wear rubber gloves and wash hands thoroughly with running water and soap.

7. Diet

The pristine carrier is most in need of good nutrition, to supply her body with nutrients that make pregnancy safe, such as protein, fibre, carbohydrates and healthy fats.
A prerequisite for a pregnant woman's healthy diet is to get an additional 300 calories, with three daily meals to be divided into small meals, to relieve acidity that increases during pregnancy.

8. Sleep long enough

The pregnant woman's previous advice is not enough to cross a foetus into safety, but she must also get enough sleep at night, as well as a midday nap for 30 to 60 minutes.

Tips for pregnant women in the early months

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important period in which the vital organs of the fetus are formed. Changes that qualify you to complete pregnancy and childbirth are progressively occurring within your body. Here are a range of habits you should avoid in the first months of pregnancy:

Smoking or passive smoking, cigarettes contain chemicals that can harm the foetus, they can also cause the amniotic cyst to rupture, and then abortion occurs.

Exposure to environmental contaminants, avoid exposure to pollutants and all toxic substances, which may be found in the atmosphere or in household items such as cleaning and coating products, and try to stay away from inhaling these toxins, as they pose a risk to the health of the fetus.

Exposure to X-rays or infrared, there are some rays that may cause foetal abnormalities when exposed.

Take any medication during pregnancy without consulting your doctor, some of which can be transmitted via placenta to the fetus and cause a lot of health risks.

Bathing in hot tubs or saunas, high temperatures used in these places may increase the fetus's temperature and harm it, and may lead to miscarriage.

Take prenatal vitamins, after consulting your doctor.

Practice light sports regularly, for example you can do Kegel exercises.

Follow a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat protein and fiber. Drink a lot of water.
