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You need it NOW and FOREVER! How to be ready for a job interview?


How to prepare yourself for a job interview?

Job Interview Concept

A job interview can be defined as that meeting in which a person wishing to join a specific job vacancy meets with a Human Resources Department official in the entity containing that job vacancy and those seeking jobs seek to present themselves in such a way that they are among the Human Resources Section's choices, Individuals are nominated for job interviews based on some job qualifications that are consistent with the vacancies raised But these qualifications may not consist enough of that, so job interviews are conducted to identify the applicant's personality, and the question now arises: how do you bring yourself to the job interview? In this article a question will be answered: How to be ready for a job interview.

How to be ready for a job interview?

The answer to a question: How to bring yourself to a job interview is a set of procedures that a job seeker must work with in order to be his job interview as best as possible. Therefore, a question can be answered: How to prepare yourself to a job interview through the following:

  • Find some information about a company or organization that contains a job vacancy, such as the nature of its business, and the stages of its development, as this sends the HR employee the seriousness of the applicant to the job.

  • Prepare for some of the questions expected to be asked in the job interview, especially those general questions related to job search, team work, or personal skills that make an employee able to engage in the vacancy.

  • Make a subjective comparison of strengths and weaknesses before being interviewed, as this may be one of the questions asked in the job interview, where the applicant is asked to talk about his strengths and weaknesses, and here there must be credibility in articulating these qualities without overstating or praising.

  • Complete all official papers required by the job seeker in order to accept available vacancies and write a clear, up-to-date and error-free CV for presentation to the company's human resources staff or organization wishing to recruit staff.

  • Care about choosing the right clothes before undergoing a job interview, looking for a suitable outfit for the job to be enrolled in, and attention to personal hygiene because the appearance makes a positive impression on the employer, and it also increases the applicant's confidence in the job.

Job Interview Skills

In the context of the answer to a question: How to bring yourself to a job interview must pay attention to some of the skills associated with job interviews. These skills help to bypass job interviews and provide a positive picture of the applicant for job vacancies. One of the most prominent job interview skills is the following:

  • Demonstrate self-confidence through clarity in the talk, balanced sound tone, and appropriate body language, with caution against showing something of a vanity that is inappropriate for job interviews.

  • Adhere to the exact date of the job interview and attend the place of the interview before an appropriate period of time, which helps to enter the interview with poise, and deal with questions quietly.

  • Taking time to answer job interview questions, not rushing to answer questions before they are completed, at the same time the thinking that may reflect confusion and inability to answer questions should not be prolonged.

  • Show optimism and positivity that gives some comfort in the general atmosphere of the job interview, and allows breaking down barriers between the interviewee and the individuals responsible for managing it.

Here's what you need to do before this important day:

1. Do some search for the company
2. Try to communicate with former employees of the company
3. Clean your social media accounts
4. Do a fake interview, study the circumstances of the place
5- Prepare your documents
6. Choose what to wear
7. Sleep deep the night before the interview
8. Make sure you arrive early
9.Treat all staff with respect
10. Make your previous work experience a short story
11. Ask important questions
12.Pay attention to your body language
13.Do not speak poorly of your former managers
