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Alert! You have to know this Natural Recipes for Hair Intensification


Was your hair thick and started falling? Do you have a disease that has made you lose part of your hair? Here are the following natural recipes for hair intensification.

It may be difficult to change the structure and strengthen the hair, but it is not impossible especially when following some natural recipes and regularity in their use, this will undoubtedly improve the appearance of the hair and increase its strength.

Here are the most prominent natural recipes for hair condensation:

Natural recipes for hair condensation

There are many natural recipes for hair intensification, here we will mention the most prominent natural recipes for hair intensification:

Eggs to condense hair

Eggs contain high proportions of proteins, which form the main ingredient in hair structure and give it a strong, glossy and dense appearance especially if applied topically to hair regularly.

The first way to use eggs:

  1. Mix or beat 1-2 eggs well.
  2. Place the resulting mixture directly on the scalp and wet hair.
  3. Leave the mixture on the hair for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash the hair with warm water and a suitable shampoo.

The second method of using eggs to condense hair with natural recipes:

  1. Mix two egg yolks with one tablespoon of olive oil and two teaspoons of water.
  2. Place the resulting mixture on the scalp and dry hair (no wet hair).
  3. Leave the mixture on the hair for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash the hair with warm water and a suitable shampoo.
  5. Follow this method 1-2 times a week, and keep doing this for several weeks so you can see the results clear.

Olive oil to condense hair

Olive oil contains a high percentage of omega-3 acids, as well as other nutrients that are very important and necessary to strengthen and maintain hair health.

Regular use of olive oil on hair and scalp intensifies and smooths hair and moisturizes dry scalp. The method used to condense hair with olive oil is as follows:

  1. Heat olive oil to warm and at room temperature.
  2. Massage the scalp with warm olive oil.
  3. Leave the oil on the hair for 30-45 minutes.
  4. Wash hair with water and shampoo.

It is noteworthy that some may turn to adding a spoonful of honey to olive oil, and can also leave the oil on the hair for a full night before washing it with a bath hat.

Appropriate nutrition

Perhaps you need to improve your dietary diet. Getting the nutrients you miss may be the answer to your hair loss problem, so start from today by including the following foods in your dietary diet:

  1. Salmon, due to its language with proteins and fatty acids.
  2. Eggs that contain high proportions of proteins, omega-3 and iron.
  3. Raw nuts such as: walnuts, almonds, which contain high proportions of fatty acids.
  4. Whole grains and green and black legumes, these are rich in proteins.

Orange to condense hair

Orange contains important nutrients for hair health such as vitamin C, pectin (Pectin) and some important acids, all of which work to give hair visible vitality and density.

The acids found in oranges help to break down and dismantle the residue of harmful products that remain stuck in hair. Unlike many other natural recipes, oranges are characterized by their grainy smell, and the way in which oranges are used to condense hair is done by following the following:

  • Mash a whole orange in an electric mixer.
  • Place them on your scalp for an hour before washing them with water and shampoo, and some may need to use a light moisturizing conditioner after finishing.

Aloe vera gel

According to many experiments, aloe vera gel has many aesthetic benefits for hair and skin, it is possible to apply aloe vera oil regularly to hair roots to increase hair strength and density, and many hair and skin care products and cosmetics supported by the benefits and characteristics of aloe gel are commercially available.

As for the way cactus gel works and uses, these are the following:

  • Extract gel from aloe vera leaves.
  • Rub the scalp directly into it.
  • Leave him on the head for 30 minutes before doing his washing.
  • Some prefer to mix it with natural oils first before using it, such as coconut oil and olive oil, and you can use aloe vera gel once or twice a week to get the best results.


Avocado is rich in vitamin E, which makes many believe in its aesthetic abilities especially its ability to act as a hair and skin moisturizer, and the way the avocado mix works and uses:

  • Mix a mature grain of avocado with a spoonful of olive oil.
  • Apply the mixture to the hair and scalp, leaving it for 30 minutes.
  • Wash hair with water and shampoo.
  • You can do a natural avocado-based mixing industry and apply it twice a week for the best results.

Castor Oil for Hair Condensation

Because it contains important aesthetic ingredients such as vitamin E and fatty acids, castor oil has great benefits in strengthening hair and restoring health and density to it, and the way castor oil is used is very simple:

  • Do scrub the scalp with castor oil.
  • Apply it and leave it for 30 minutes before washing it with water and shampoo.

While adhering to this method you will often see remarkable and noticeable results soon, but if you have abnormal or sudden hair loss for no obvious reason, you should do some tests and consult a doctor to treat the cause from within.

The results of natural hair condensation recipes such as those previously mentioned vary from person to person and from case to case.

Causes of hair loss

Baldness and hair loss are very common conditions, which are more prevalent among males than among females, and many factors play a large role in what happens, including:

  • Age.
  • Genetics and genes.
  • malnutrition.
  • Over-use of hair care commercials.
  • Allergic reactions towards certain chemicals or natural substances.
  • Getting sick.

While some of the products available on the market may help give hair a more intense look, there are many natural solutions that may gradually address the problem whatever the reason behind it.
