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12 Weight-Loss Motivational Strategies to start a new life


Starting and sticking to a healthy weight loss plan can seem impossible at times.

Often, people simply lack the motivation to begin or lose the motivation to continue. Fortunately, motivation is something that can be improved.

This article will go over 12 different ways to motivate yourself to lose weight.

1. Determine why you want to lose weight

Write down all the reasons why you want to lose weight and define them clearly. This will help you maintain your determination and motivation to achieve your weight loss goal.

Read these reasons daily and use them as a reminder if you want to deviate from your weight loss goal.

Motivation can be anything from preventing diabetes, managing grandchildren, looking good at an event, boosting self-esteem, or wearing certain jeans.

Many people start dieting on the advice of their doctor, but research shows that when the diet motivation comes from within, it is more successful.

The most important thing is to get clear on your weight loss goals and write them down. Motivating yourself from within is essential for long-term success.

2) Have clear and realistic expectations

Many diets and weight-loss diets claim to help you lose weight quickly and easily. However, most doctors recommend losing only 0.5-1 kg (1-2 lbs) per week.

If you set an unattainable goal, chances are you won't reach it. On the other side, setting achievable goals gives you a sense of accomplishment.

In addition, people who achieve their weight loss goals are more likely to maintain their weight over the long term.

A study using data from several weight loss centers found that women who were expected to lose the most weight were the most likely to drop out of the program.

It is good to see that even a small weight loss of 5-10% of body weight can be effective.

It is good to know that even a small weight loss of 5-10% of body weight can have a big impact on health. At a weight of 82 kg, it is only 9-18 lbs (4-8 kg). If you weigh 113 kg, it's 13-25 pounds (6-11 kg).

If you lose 5-10% of your body weight, you can lose even more weight:

-Improves blood sugar control.

-Reduces the risk of heart disease.

-Lowers cholesterol levels.

-Reduces joint pain.

-Reducing the risk of some cancers.


Setting realistic weight loss goals will increase your sense of accomplishment and help you avoid burnout; even a small weight loss of 5-10 n has a significant impact on your health.

3. focus on process goals

Many people who want to lose weight only set outcome goals, i.e., goals they ultimately want to achieve.

The typical outcome goal is the weight of the final goal.

If you focus only on the end goal, you may lose motivation. Sometimes you may be too far from your goal and feel overwhelmed.

Instead, determine what steps you will take to achieve your goals. Exercising four times a week is an example of a progress goal.

In a study of 126 overweight women who participated in a weight loss program, it was found that those who focused on the process were more likely to lose weight and quit less often than those who focused only on the outcome of weight loss.

If you want to set clear goals, use SMART goals, which are measurable, specific, achievable, realistic, and time-based.

SMART goals can be:

-Next week I plan to walk for 5 days at a brisk pace for 30 minutes.

-This week I will eat 4 vegetable meals a day.

-I will limit myself to one soft drink this week.

Conclusion: focusing only on results can lead to frustration and loss of motivation.

4) Select a plan that is appropriate for your lifestyle

Find a weight loss plan that you can stick to, and avoid plans that are nearly impossible in the long run.

There are hundreds of diets, most of which are based on calorie restriction.

Although calorie restriction can lead to weight loss, it has been shown that diets, especially yo-yo diets, are a warning sign that you will gain weight in the future.

Therefore, avoid strict diets that completely eliminate certain foods. Studies have shown that people who follow an all-or-nothing approach are more likely to lose weight. Instead, consider creating your own personalized plan.

 The following dietary habits have been shown to aid in weight loss.

-Take less calorie

-Reduce portion sizes

-Reduce the frequency of snacking.

-Reduce consumption of fried foods and sweets.

-Consist of fruits and vegetables.


Choose a diet that you can maintain long-term and avoid extreme or fast diets.

5. Keep a weight loss diary

Self-monitoring is vital to motivation and weight loss success.

Studies have shown that people who record their food intake are more likely to lose weight and keep it off.

To keep a proper food diary, you need to record everything you eat. This includes meals, snacks, and treats you steal from a partner's table.

You can also keep a food diary to record your feelings. This can assist you in identifying specific triggers for overeating and finding healthier coping mechanisms.

You can keep a food diary on paper or on a website or app. All have proven effective.

Conclusion: Keeping a food diary can help you track your progress, identify your triggers and hold you accountable. A website or app can also be used as a tracking tool.

6. Celebrate your successes.

Losing weight is hard, so celebrate all your successes to keep you motivated.

When you achieve a goal, give yourself credit. Social media and weight loss websites with community pages are great places to share your successes and receive encouragement. If you are proud of yourself, you will be more motivated.

Remember to also look at behavioral changes, not just reaching a certain number on the scale.

For example, when you reach your goal of exercising four days a week, reward yourself with a bubble bath or a good night out with friends.

You can also motivate by rewarding yourself.

However, it is important to choose the right rewards. Avoid rewarding yourself with food. Also avoid rewards that are so expensive that you would never buy them, or so trivial that you would give them to yourself anyway.

Here are some good examples of rewards:


-A trip to the movies

-Buying a new running shirt

-Signing up for a cooking class


Celebrate all the success you've achieved in reaching your weight loss goal. Consider rewarding yourself to increase your motivation.

7. Seek social support

To maintain motivation, people need constant encouragement and positive feedback.

Inform your family and friends of your weight loss goal so they can support you along the way.

Many people find it helpful to find a weight-loss partner. You can exercise together, hold each other accountable and encourage each other.

Involving your partner can also be helpful, but make sure you have the support of others, such as your friends.

Also, consider joining a support group. Support groups that take place both in-person and online have proven to be helpful.

Conclusion: A strong social support system will help keep you accountable and motivated to lose weight. Consider joining a support group to keep you motivated during your journey.

8. Make a promise

Studies show that people who publicly commit to something are more likely to stick to their goals.

Letting others know your weight loss goal will help you be more accountable. Inform your closest family and friends and consider posting your goals on social media. The more people who share your goals, the more accountability you will take on.

Consider investing in a gym membership, a fitness class package, or a deposit for a 5K run. If you've already made the investment, you're more likely to follow through.

Conclusion: A public commitment to weight loss will motivate you and hold you accountable.

9. think and speak positively.

  • People who have high expectations and believe in their goals are more likely to lose weight.
  • People who talk about change are also more likely to stick to their plans.

If you commit to changing your behavior, explain why and talk about the steps you will take to achieve your goals, this is a conversation about change. So start talking positively about your weight loss. Also, talk about the actions you will take and say your intentions out loud.

On the other hand, people who spend a lot of time fantasizing about their ideal weight are less likely to achieve it, according to research. This is called 'mental talking'.

Instead, make a mental comparison. To do a mental comparison, take a few minutes to imagine how you would achieve your goal, and then take a few minutes to imagine the possible obstacles.

In one study, 134 students were asked to mentally give up or compare their dietary goals. Those who compared mentally were more likely to take action. They consumed fewer calories, increased physical activity, and ate less high-calorie foods.

The results of this study show that mental comparison is more motivating and leads to more activity than mental targeting, which convinces your brain that you have already succeeded and makes you do nothing to achieve your goals.

Conclusion: think and talk positively about your weight loss goals, but be realistic and focus on the steps you need to take to achieve them.

10) Be prepared for complications and setbacks

Daily stress will always be present. If you prepare for them and develop the right coping strategies, you will stay motivated no matter what life throws at you.

There are always holidays, birthdays, and parties to celebrate. There will always be stressful situations at work and home.

It is important to start problem-solving and brainstorming about the problems and possible failures in the weight loss process. This will help you stay on track and keep you motivated.

Many people find some comfort in food. This can make them quickly abandon their weight loss goals. With the right coping strategies, you will avoid these problems.

Studies have shown that people who manage stress better and have better-coping strategies are more likely to lose weight and keep it off for longer.

Try the best-reducing stress techniques:

-Breathe in and out as an exercise.

-Take a bath.

-Breathe in and take a shower to relax.

-Take a shower. Take a shower.

-Take a breath of fresh air.

Plan your holidays, social activities, and meals in advance. Check restaurant menus in advance and look for healthy alternatives. Take healthy food to events or eat smaller portions.

Conclusion: It is important to prepare for setbacks and develop effective coping strategies. Start using alternative coping mechanisms when using food as a coping mechanism.

11) Do not strive for perfection and try to forgive yourself

You do not have to be perfect to lose weight.

  • If you take an all-or-nothing approach, you are less likely to achieve your goals.
  • If you restrict yourself too much, you might say something like, "I had a hamburger and fries for lunch, so I can have pizza for dinner." Instead, try saying something like, "I overate at lunch, so I need to eat healthier for dinner.

And don't be offended if you make a mistake. Self-defeating thoughts only undermine your motivation.

Instead, forgive yourself. Remember that one mistake will not undo your progress.


  • If you strive for perfection, you will quickly lose motivation. You can keep your motivation to lose weight if you are flexible and forgiving.
  • If necessary, seek professional help.
  • If you need professional help to lose weight, don't hesitate to seek it. People who

12. Ask for professional assistance when needed.

If you need professional assistance with your weight loss efforts, don't be afraid to seek it. People who are more confident in their knowledge and abilities are more likely to lose weight.

Finding a registered dietitian to teach you about specific foods or an exercise physiologist to teach you how to exercise properly may be necessary.

Many people value the accountability that seeing a professional provides.

If you're still having trouble getting motivated, talk to a psychologist or a dietitian who has been trained in motivational interviewing, which has been shown to help people achieve their goals.


Professionals such as dietitians, exercise physiologists, and psychologists can help you increase your motivation and knowledge to achieve your weight loss goals.


  • Meratrim is a weight loss supplement made up of extracts from two medicinal herbs.

  • One 8-week study funded by the manufacturer revealed that it is extremely effective.

  • Short-term weight loss solutions, on the other hand, do not work in the long run.

  • Meratrim, like all weight loss supplements, is unlikely to produce long-term results unless combined with permanent changes in lifestyle and dietary habits.

