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Except Enjoying; What is The Role of Dance on our Mental Health?


Dancing has many benefits for human physical health, as it helps to burn calories and survive the body gracefully, as well as activating the circulatory system in the body and increasing muscle strength and activity, but dancing has significant and many benefits for human mental health, and in this article, we will review the relationship of dance and mental health at different levels and in psychology.

Dance and mood mental health

        Researchers in Sweden conducted a study of more than 100 teenage girls, most of them suffering from psychological and mood problems such as depression and anxiety, at which point researchers committed half of the girls studying to dance classes, while the second half did not. 

            -The results of the study showed that teenage girls who took dance lessons showed an improvement in their psychological state and a change in mood.

                -The results of the study also showed that these symptoms of improved mood and mental condition survived for 8 months after dance classes. At the end of their study, researchers concluded that dance and mental health had a strong link, and concluded that the many positive benefits of dancing to mental health were present.

        The impact of dancing on mood adjustment and mental health improvement is not limited to adolescents. Studies in the state of North Dakota in the United States of America have shown a group of older people ranging in age from. The result was a marked improvement in the mood and cognitive abilities of the participants in the dance classes, as well as benefits to physical health such as increased mobility and muscle strength.

Reducing symptoms of Parkinson's disease

According to Parkinson's Disease statistics, 60,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Parkinson's disease is attributed to a group of neurological disorders called motor system disorders.

 Diseases recorded in these disorders occur as a result of the loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain. Dopamine is an essential element used in the division responsible for making and coordinating movements within the brain.


Here, it's worth saying that the relationship between dance and mental health not only improves one's mood and psychology but also helps to mitigate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, according to Daniel Tarsi. (Doctor, Professor of Neuroscience, and Director of the BIDMC Specialist Center for Parkinson's Disease and other motor system disorders). 

Dancing is a form of psychosomatic stimulation, in which Parkinson's disease symptoms include slow movement and stiffness in the limbs and torso, as well as tremors and poor balance and coordination, and dancing helps to mitigate and slow the development of these symptoms.

One of the techniques used to measure the impact and usefulness of dancing is to make patients hear a set of fixed tunes and then ask them to dance and move in harmony with the rhythm of the melody. 

The results of patients who have undergone this technique have shown a significant improvement in walking, as well as an improvement in the movement of the upper body, and although there are no scientific comparisons of the benefit of psychosomatic stimulation on the bands of Parson's disease.


Dancing Is an Effective Sport for Improving Health and Maintaining Physical Fitness

Helps overcome social anxiety

Dancing helps to remove stress and allows for better handling and expression of emotions. Dancing is a safe haven to escape many of the problems of everyday life and gives people a sense of freedom. It also helps people with social anxiety who reduce their self-awareness while dealing with other people.

Dance and psychosocial health

Dancing helps to create connections with other people and create a form of communication between human beings, which helps to increase a person's social activity, and dance classes are an ideal place to create new social relationships and identify common friends with the same hobby.

Dance is a tool for therapeutic expression

Dancing is an alternative and innovative way for many psychopaths with great difficulty in expressing their feelings, using body movements as a means of expressing and communicating those feelings to people in an artistic way, while at the same time helping to alleviate stress and anxiety experienced by psychopaths.

Dance and physical health

Calorie expenditure

Dancing improves blood circulation in the body. It's a terrific method to burn calories while having fun and boosting our resilience without even realizing it.

Depending on speed and intensity, the dance is predicted to burn 5-10 calories each minute. High-density dances like mambo, Zumba, and swing, for example, burn more calories than waltz.


Dancing allows you to be more adaptable


Dancing contains a set of flexibility exercises that, if consistently practiced, would yield excellent results.


Strengthen your muscles


It improves your dance skills and strengthens your muscles in various sections of your body. Even the gentlest dance will help you coordinate your body and keep you in shape. You just have to see the ballerina.


It will help you to be more coordinated

Dancing, of course, can help you improve your coordination.


Dancing teaches you how to combine footsteps with arm motions and head movements at the same time, which improves your reaction speed.


It's a fantastic approach to keeping our central nervous system and oceanic nervous system in good form by improving our bodies' mental connections.


The cardiovascular and respiratory systems will benefit from it.


Dancing is an excellent pastime for persons who are at risk of cardiovascular disease. Improving heart health and reducing respiratory problems.


Dancers competing in the dance competition have muscle voltage and breathing rates comparable to cyclists, swimmers, and Olympic-level 800-meter runners.

