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Save your health by discovering the signs and treatment of women highest commun disease!


A common phenomenon in women, iron deficiency, also called iron deficiency anemia, leads to very specific symptoms. A doctor's visit, in addition to a blood test, can usually reveal iron deficiency. Stay alert to your wellbeing, these five signs prove you lack iron.

Fatigue is the first sign of iron deficiency.

- Fatigue is one of the most widespread and common symptoms of iron deficiency.

- Despite a good night's sleep, feeling tired goes hand in hand all the time, adding to feeling exhausted and lethargic.

- In fact, iron is an essential element of the body because it contributes to oxygen delivery through the blood.

- Also, if your period makes you feel more tired than usual, you probably lack iron.

- Periods say a lot about your health.

Take this indicator as an asset to your well-being and do not hesitate to consult your doctor in any doubt.

Difficulty concentrating? This may be a sign of iron deficiency anemia

You feel tired no matter what, plus you're distracted. Iron and oxygen transported by hemoglobin play a real role in neurotransmitter activity.

For this reason, the lack of focus and attention is often caused by iron deficiency.

In case of iron deficiency, it is not uncommon to find it difficult to save some daily information.

A more adaptive diet can allow you to regain all your cognitive possessions. So bet on iron-rich foods!

Iron deficiency causes stress!

Fatigue associated with iron deficiency often leads to additional stress. Tensions build up in the body and your nerves strain.

A rare ingredient necessary for the functioning of the body, iron is mainly found in hemoglobin, i.e. one of the main components of red blood cells. Being unable to manufacture it, this essential ingredient comes mainly from our diet. But what happens when the intake is insufficient? How is iron deficiency detected?

Iron deficiency what is it?

Part of naturally absorbed iron is disposed of every day. To maintain an adequate level of iron, it is necessary to compensate for losses by eating equivalent food. If not, the body will rely on its iron reserves, which in fact leads to imbalance.

- In fact, iron deficiency typically leads to anemia, i.e. an abnormal reduction in hemoglobin in the blood, although this is not always the case.

- In fact, some iron deficiency cases can be without anemia. In all cases, iron deficiency leads to various clinical signs - increased susceptibility to infection, reduced physical abilities, reduced intellectual performance, and significant fatigue... Which can put the doctor on this path and push him to perform the tests.

Some people are more likely than others to suffer from this kind of deficiency. This is particularly the case for women, more specifically pregnant women, children, and adolescents growing up.

How is iron deficiency diagnosed?

Iron deficiency is assessed by blood tests that will be used to assess the level of hemoglobin as well as the level of iron reserves (ferritin level) in the body.

Therefore, the doctor recommends conducting a so-called, in the language of biologists, complete blood count (NFS) to detect the presence of iron deficiency anemia. This blood test measures:

  • Hemoglobin Level
  • Hematocrit level,
  • Average ball size (MCV),
  • Average hemoglobin content in the body (MCHC).

But other tests can also be part of the iron deficiency diagnosis process without anemia. This is particularly the case for iron in the blood, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), protopherverin and zinc (PPZ), or even HFE gene examination.

Iron deficiency and how to treat it?

Meeting your iron needs is not always as easy as it seems because foods contain varying amounts of iron that the body does not always absorb in the same way.

In fact, there are two different types of iron. Heme iron, first of all, is the highest absorption rate (25%). It is found in meat, hangovers, fish, seafood, and many other animal products.

Non-heme iron absorbs much less (5%) but is found in many foods of plant origin: green vegetables, legumes, seeds, tofu...

In some cases of severe shortages, it is necessary to take iron supplements by medication. This doctor should prescribe exclusively because the risk of excess iron exists.

5 signs of magnesium deficiency

Poor eating habits are the main cause of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the body, it is a very important mineral for cells. Knowing how to detect symptoms of magnesium deficiency can be very useful for your wellbeing. Check out these five unequivocal signs.

Magnesium deficiency causes exhaustion

You feel tired while your sleeping nights are long and quiet. Your fatigue is universal, so much so that you pick yourself up with morning coffee. You feel a certain state of general weakness.

These symptoms should alert you. Magnesium deficiency causes a state of general fatigue. Visit your doctor for a more in-depth diagnosis.

Magnesium deficiency causes stress and headaches

Often associated with fatigue, a state of nervous tension begins. It is usually accompanied by headaches and jaw pain. These tensions can eventually cause sleep disorders.

To relieve migraines, it is important, among other things, to follow a good diet rich in magnesium. Because, no, there's not just magnesium in chocolate.

Magnesium deficiency leads to anorexia

Poor diet, frequent diets, and skipping meals are also responsible for magnesium deficiency. Most often, anorexia is observed, causing dizziness and discomfort during the day.

Other problems appear in the digestive tract including constipation. Magnesium laxative interferes among other things in the synthesis of proteins. This is why magnesium deficiency means the appearance of problems in the digestive tract, especially repeated constipations.

To find enough magnesium, sometimes it's enough to modify your diet.

Magnesium deficiency leads to jumping eyelids

Eyelid tremor is a strong indicator of magnesium deficiency. Fortunately, these small tremors or sudden and frequent clouds are signs of magnesium deficiency.

It is the result of involuntary muscle contractions also called buckling. These small cramps disappear after a while through a healthy choice of superfoods.

Do you feel nervous? What if it's magnesium deficiency,

Stress associated with fatigue is an auxiliary factor in the development of tension. Although you know well how to manage your stress, do you feel overly sensitive to noise, nervousness, and extreme anxiety?

These are all things that can indicate a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency is not easily detected during a blood test.

However, the convergence of symptoms is a useful indicator for its diagnosis. Feel free to seek advice from a health professional before resorting to a dietary supplement.
